




Ted Chiang is an American science fiction writer. His Chinese name is Chiang Fengnan.

His work has won tour Nebulla awards, four Hugo awards, the John W Campbell Award for Best New Writer, and four Locus award. His short story “Story of Your Life” was adapted to film called Arrical in 2016.



Stories of Your Life and Others is a collection of short stories by American Writer Ted Chiang originally published in 2002 by TorBooks. It collects Chiang’ first eight stories.

What if men built a tower from Earth to Heaven-and broke through to Heaven's other side? What if we discovered that the fundamentals of mathematics were arbitrary and inconsistent? What if there were a science of naming things that calls life into being from inanimate matter? What if exposure to an alien language forever changed our perception of time? What if all the beliefs of fundamentalist Christianity were literally true, and the sight of sinners being swallowed into fiery pits were a routine event on city streets? These are the kinds of outrageous questions posed by the stories of Ted Chiang. Stories of your life . . . and others.







特德·姜1967年出生于美国纽约市杰斐逊镇,毕业于布朗大学计算机科学系,是美国当代最优秀的华裔科幻作家之一。 特德·姜的作品不多,自1990年发表处女作《巴比伦塔》至今,总共发表的作品只有八篇,且都是短篇或中篇。尽管如此,他在美国科幻界却享有很高的声誉。个中原因很简单:他的作品虽少,却几乎篇篇称得上精品。八篇小说让他捧回了包括雨果奖、星云奖、斯特金奖、坎贝尔奖在内的所有科幻大奖的奖杯。




《你一生的故事》是美国作家泰德 姜2002年出版的原创短篇小说集。不同于其他的科幻小说作品, 泰德 姜的科幻小说中不是只有冰冷的科技与未来幻想,而是充满了对人性的关怀和社会的思考。《你一生的故事》中的每一篇小说,都让人陷入对科技与人性的深思之中,令人难忘。






  编辑排版:王 淼

  学生审核:崔 贺

  教师审核:于 健